Sunday, November 30, 2008

The Hat Craze!!!

So Curt's Aunt Tammy and Aunt Becky went to Disneyland and Tammy brought back a pirate Mickey Mouse ears hat. She sings "Yo-Ho" and then the hat always seems to fall off. Curt thinks it is the funniest thing in the world. Then he puts it on his head and dances around and when it falls off he will sit and laugh and laugh. He also loves to try and put it on Tammy's dog, Romeo who is thankfully faster than Curt.
He loves Mickey and when he sees something that is Mickey Mouse he'll say, "mi mo" which is his way of saying Mickey Mouse. The hat craze does not stop at the Mickey ears though. Miguel has a black hat he wears to dance the cueca in and Curt puts it on and walks around the house, he can barely see under the brim. It's so cute. He has turned into a little ham lately. If I laugh at something he will do it repeatedly and then laugh with me. We also have a straw cowboy hat that he is fond of wearing. What a cutie. He also loves the snow and I know he is disappointed we don't have any yet, but whenever he sees some on t.v. or in pictures he yells, "no!" I always try to figure out what is wrong and then clue in that he actually said 'snow' not 'no.'

I just realized that with all the talk about him loving the slide by our house and playing out doors, we had never included a picture:
This is Curt going down his favorite slide with Miguel watching him. He tries to walk up the slide when he's done going down.

This is Curt's oh-so tricky handstand. Wow! He's almost ready for the summersault....

And this one is of Curt after rolling down the hill. It wasn't too big, but it is pretty steep and you can imagine with Curt's size, he got going pretty quick. But he was not afraid... He's a little too much like his dad in that way.

Sorry for the sideways picture-I'm still not so tech- savvy....
Curt is hopefully learning how to treat his dog. Lately he loves to spend time with Jackie and he has been sitting by her and holding her, gently petting her. Jackie likes this too.
Jackie had a check up and I love her doctor! The whole time he examined her he was telling her how pretty she was and what gorgeous eyes she had and then he told her her nose was a little long and asked if she had been telling some lies. I thought he was great. If he saw people, I would totally choose him for my doctor. As it is Jack was less than impressed with him. I guess she's a little harder to please than I am....

Baby Update

We had an ultrasound 2 weeks ago and we found out that I am almost 18 weeks along, so I missed a whole month of being pregnant! Or at least knowing about it.... Since I was 16 weeks at my ultrasound appointment, we found out that we are going to have a little girl! Miguel is really excited. We're thinking about names and so far we both like Isabelle or Isabella, but we're just getting started on that whole process. But for now baby Isabelle is due on May 7th.

1 comment:

Helena said...

I LOVE the name Isabelle! Considering it myself. The picture of Curt looking through his legs is too funny. Can't wait for the snow. The boys will have fun together.